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Activities from the headquarter

Our hearts united even we are millions miles away

Trip to Los Angeles (US) and Kuala Lumpor (Malaysia) 

Elder Lee, Yu-Chu  6/26/2016

       During my 8 years as the Chairman of Board of Directors serving the Republic of China (Taiwan) I-Kuan Tao Association, I thought that I had already accomplished all tasks necessary.  I was hoping that after the General Election on 30th April, I could step down as the Chairman of Board of Directors.  I could then serve the Tao environment as all other ordinary members do.  Never could I imagine that just before my retirement, I was assigned yet another huge task.

Yuan Chien Ren, the 2nd Chairman of Board of Directors of the World I-Kuan Tao Headquarters passed away on 12th February.  Not long after that, a letter from the US Government was received requesting the Headquarters to nominate the next Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer by 30th April.  According to the agreements previously made amongst the Board members, the 3rd Chairman should be succeeded by the Lin Chien Ren (Elder Lin from Bao Guan Jian Der).  However, Lin Chien Ren decided not to take up the role but agreed to nominate candidates for those three positions.


At the General Election on 30th April, Lin Chien Ren announced the nominations and other changes –

  • 3rd Chairman of Board of Directors of the World I-Kuan Tao Headquarters - Elder Lee, Yu-Chu

  • Secretary – Chang, Dah Chung

  • Treasurer – Master Lee, Fong Chia

  • The Headquarters would be moved to the Los Angeles Tanshen Temple.


All personnel accepted the recommendations and all names of officers were registered and recorded in the official documents.

2016 0619 洛杉磯 李玉柱理事長簽署會務交接文件。張大中秘書長、李峰嘉財務長、陳正夫點傳師、謝遠智領導點傳師觀禮。
2016 0619 洛杉磯 一貫道世界總會第2任、第3任會務交接典禮,李玉柱理事長致詞
2016 0619 洛杉磯 李玉柱理事�長頒贈感恩獎座予創會秘書長陳正夫點傳師
2016 0619 洛杉磯 會務交接典禮後合影
2016 0619洛杉磯 李玉柱理事長於天信佛堂講演
2016 0619 洛杉磯 謝遠智秘書長於天信佛堂講演
2016 0617洛杉磯 李玉柱理事長於宏洛佛堂講演
2016 0618洛杉磯 李玉柱理事長參訪德信簡氏壇合影
2016 0618洛杉磯 李玉柱理事長於德信簡氏壇活動中心講演後合影

Please click on the pictures to enlarge

Although the  Republic of China(Taiwan) I-Kuan Tao Association where I used to work is in Taipei and the World I-Kuan Tao Headquarters is in Los Angeles about 10,000 km away, to ensure a seamless transition, the handover ceremony was held on 19th June at the Los Angeles, Tanshen Temple. 

The ceremony was preceded by a series of introduction opened by Master Phoenix Lee.  The actual transitional ceremony started at 2:00pm and was attended by a lot of respectable masters and seniors.  It was successfully completed after signing of documents and exchanges of commemoration gifts.

2016 0625馬來西亞一貫道總會道學講座,林文恬總會長主持
2016 0625馬來西亞一貫道總會道學講座,李玉柱理事長主講
2016 0625馬來西亞一貫道總會道學講座會現場留影之一
2016 0625馬來西亞一貫道總會道學講座會現場留影之二
2016 0704馬來西亞一貫道總會第五屆理事會開會留影
2016 0704馬來西亞一貫道總會第五屆理事會開會發言留影。
2016 0704馬來西亞一貫道總會第五屆理事會李玉柱理事長列席致賀。
2016 0626馬來西亞一貫道總會第六屆會員大會開會留影。
2016 0626馬來西亞一貫道總會第六屆會員大會推舉第六屆理事會選任大會主席古金祥點傳師及兩位監選人,李玉柱理事長列席觀禮。
FB-IMG-146786845337-0-1 jpg馬來西亞一貫道總會第六屆會員大會會後合影。
IMG-20160627-WA0003-1 jpg馬來西亞一貫道總會林總會長等一行熱誠送機合影。

Please click on the pictures to enlarge

As the 3rd Chairman of Board of Directors of the World I-Kuan Tao Headquarters, I was invited to attend the Malaysia I-Kuan Tao Headquarters 6th General Election on 26th June.  I was very thankful of their hospitality.  Prior to the General Election, I was asked to speak on “Ten Thousand Touched Days”.  And during the election, it was interested to see how the outgoing Board of Directors was dismissed first before the incoming Board was elected.  In any case, the new Board of Directors was successfully elected.


There are 10,000 km between Taiwan and Los Angeles and 3,000 km from Taiwan to Malaysia.  Though the measurements sound really long, the technology nowadays has shortened the distance.  As a matter of fact, the actual distance counts from our will to complete and achieve something in Tao or Tao environment.  One accomplishment is never too small and zillion is never too large.  We are doing all these for Tao and others still need our dissemination.  To ensure a never-ending succession of Tao, hearts must be all united to propagate selflessness and mercy.   That is the objective of practicing Tao.

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