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2018 I Kuan Tao USA Seminar

The Beautiful New World





Tien Shin Temple - 1417 S. New Ave., Alhambra, CA 91801

9/29/2018 (Saturday) 10 am - 11:30 am

"The Beautiful New World"

World I-Kuan Tao Headquarters Chairman of the Board of Director,

Honorable Lee Yu-Chu Chien Ren

Speech Outline:

A. The Beautiful Life Story

  1. A Life with Commitment is the Most Beautiful One

  2. The Essence of Culture

  3. Awakening Mankind with the Tao

B. The Continual Tao Transmitting and Its Vision

  1. The Confucian World of Da Tong

  2. The Maitreya Buddha's Heaven on Earth

  3. The Holy Teacher's Path to Heaven

C. Passing of the Everlasting Torch of Wisdom

  1. Two Things Well Accomplished

  2. Three People Well Guided to the Path

  3. The Forever Beautiful World

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Event Coordinator: Secretary of World I Kuan Tao Headquarter, Ben Li

1.    Intro of the speaker: Chairman of Board of Director, Elder Lee, Yu-Chu 
2.    Introduction of Chairmen of I Kuan Tao USA
3.    The New Beautiful World
4.    Discussion
5.    Conclusion & Dismissal

Chairman of World I Kuan Tao Headquarter, Master Lee, Mei Feng briefly introduce for the g honorable speaker, Elder Lee, Yu-Chu.  Below is the summary of the introduction:  

“Greeting to the reverence of Elder Lee, Chairmen of  I Kuan Tao USA, Masters, and all the Tao families.  I thank the grace of Heavenly Mother, the great saints and sages, the mercy of patriarchies, the virtues of Shizu and Shimu.  Because of our affinity with them, we can all gather for the special event here today.   With Honorable Elder Lee's visit in Los Angeles, It is my honor to invite him to teach and share his wisdom with us.  Ever since the establishment of I Kuan Tao of Republic of China in 1988, I witness Elder Lee has been dedicated much of his hard work for I Kuan Tao continuously.  His virtue and sacrifice are all witnessed by the people from all groups.  Today, Elder will give us a new fresh perspective on the “New Beautiful World”,  which is exactly what we need in the current society.  I hope all can benefit from his teaching, and I thank all your participation and attendance.”

Secretary of World I Kuan Tao Headquarter, Ben Li, represents I Kuan Tao USA to introduce the Masters of following group:

•    Ji-Chu Zhong-Shu: Louguan Fotang
•    Anton group Hongluo Fotang
•    Fa-yi Tien An Group Sanzan Fotang 
•    Fa-yi Chongde Group、
•    Ming Guan Group 
•    Xingyi Nanxing De Xing Fongtang 
•    Fucheng Group 
•    Baoguang Chongzheng Group 
•    Baoguang Jiande Group

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